The hydraulic lifter has 2 white plastic glides on each side of the lift assembly. If after the lift is installed these white glides come off track causing the lift platform to be crooked in the opening-you may be able to realign the white glides back onto the rails following the steps below: 

Glides off track

Proper glide alignment

Materials needed: Painter's tape or similar tape, Phillips head screw driver and a little patience :)

1. Make sure the cabinet is up against a wall and the casters are locked. 

2. Remove the wooden platform from the lift assembly (this will make realigning the glides easier to work with)-there are 4 screws on the under side of the platform. 

3. Remove the middle screw from each rail first; then push the lifter down into flatbed position and remove the top screws. 

4. Gently pivot the lift assembly out of the cabinet and toward you. 

5. Using painter's tape, tape the ends of each rail to keep the cable ends from disengaging.


6. With the lift assembly pivoted forward, you'll have some wiggle room to realign the white glides back onto the rails. See attached video-Aligning glides on left side

If the glides are off on the right side (where the stoppers are), you'll need to disengage the lifter from the stopper by gently pulling the lift away from the rail. The tape will keep the cables engages and keep the lift from popping off the rails. See attached video-Remove lift from stopper on right side 

With the lifter released from the stopper, you'll be able to realign the glides on the right side, make sure the left side didn't pop out and that the pin on is on the inside of the rail.  See attached video-Remove lift from stopper on right side

The photo below shows the pin on the inside of the rails. 

7. Once glides are back onto the rails, slowly raise the lift assembly up toward the cabinet, making sure the glides stay on track.

Right side-

Left side-

8. Once you are at a comfortable height, push down on the lift assembly with firm pressure to lock the lift into the flatbed position (first locking position)-listen for the click and the lift will stay about 4 inches down on the rail. Hold the lift and gently remove the tape from the ends of each rail.

Right side-

Left side-

9. Pivot the lift assembly back into the cabinet and line up the rails with the screw holes. Make sure the glides didn't come off the track (2 glides on each side) 

10. Replace the top screw onto each rail first. Push on the lifter to move the lift into free arm position (table top) and replace the middle screws on each rail. 

11. With the lifter at the top you can now reattach the platform panel using the 4 screws. Move lift to check for alignment.