If your lift platform is uneven in the free arm position, we have found a simple solution to get you back to sewing. You'll need some 1/4" flat washers and slightly longer screws than the ones provided, please reach out to our customer service department if you need parts. cs@arrowsewing.com or 1-800-533-7347 ext 1.

  1. The lift platform can be in the middle or the top position
  2. Remove/loosen the screws from the lift platform-You'll want to remove the screws where the platform is lower to allow you clearance to add washers

     3. Once the screws are removed, you should be able to slightly raise the platform to put the 2 washers on the side that is lower

 4. It is easier to handle the 2 washers if you tape them together; the screw will pierce through the tape when you
      drill it back into the same hole the previous screws were removed from.

After the screws are tightened down, bring the platform back up to the top and place your sewing machine in position, the lift platform should now be level all around.


cs@arrowsewing.com or 1-800-533-7347 ext 1.