To ensure you are not further delayed in assembling your new furniture and to help protect our valuable resources, we ship all replacement/missing parts out at the same time. This procedure lessens the use of packaging materials and fossil fuels used in transportation to reduce pollution. Please help us in this endeavor by reviewing all parts in all boxes for damage or missing items. We adhere to our environmental philosophy by only shipping replacement parts out 1 time for free. Future parts requests will be billed at the customer’s expense.
After you've had time to inspect your full order for further hidden damage and missing items, please contact our customer service department during normal business hours, 1-800-533-7347 ext 1 or
To file a freight damage claim:
Please inspect your full order for further hidden damage and refer to the enclosed manual that all parts have been received.
Please take photos of the damaged items and send our customer service department an email with the images, inventory of items needed to be replaced and your order details. We typically package and ship replacement orders out of our warehouse within 2 business days.