The video above will go over the steps to troubleshoot why your custom insert may not be fitting correctly. Below are a few items to check before giving us a call:
1. Have you removed the accessory kit around the free arm (if applicable)? The custom inserts are designed to be used with the sewing machine's free arm.
2. Has your cabinet/table's lift been adjusted for flatbed sewing? The custom inserts are designed to be level at the needle plate; if it is not level, even a 1/16" off, it may not fit your machine correctly.
The insert may fit differently around your sewing machine as you move to the right and back of the sewing machine; if your machine slopes down or has curves, the custom insert may have the acrylic "hover" over the areas that sit lower than the needle plate height. This is an intentional design to create as smooth transition as possible to keep the surface flush. Please see the videos below for adjusting the height of your sewing machine cabinet/table.
If your insert is sitting above the table top, the lift height is too high and will need to be lowered for the insert to sit flush.
If the above does not resolve the insert fit issue, please let us know the answer to the following:
1. Does the insert fit the opening of the cabinet/table?
2. Does the insert cut out fit the sewing machine?
3. What is the etched number in the top right corner of the custom insert?
4. Please provide your order details and photos of the custom insert fit issue as best you can and the etched number on the insert in an email to
Please provide photos of the custom insert fit issue as best you can. If possible, we would like to see the whole set up from left to right with the insert installed inside the cabinet with the machine.
How to adjust the flatbed position of your lift: