There are two ways to level out the platform on your Arrow Cabinet. 

Solution #1

1. Place the platform in the flatbed position (second/middle position) on the airlift. The platform needs to be in the 2nd position so your partner can get both hands around the platform.

2. Loosen all 8 hex nut bolts in the metal wings using a 10mm socket wrench or an adjustable wrench.

3.  Have one person hold the platform level and centered while the other person tightens all 8 bolts back down. The job of the holder is to hold tightly to keep the platform level. 

Solution #2

1. Place the platform in the freearm position (top position) on the airlift. 

2. Loosen all 8 hex nut bolts on the metal wings using an 10mm socket wrench or an adjustable wrench.

3. Place wood shims in the front gap between the platform and the edge of the cabinet to help keep the platform level.

4. We will often keep the front 1-16" higher because the weight of your sewing machine will level the platform